What is Handheld XRF Analyzer

What is Handheld XRF Analyzer ? Handheld XRF Analyzer is a device used to analyze elements which form an object, ranging from magnesium to uranium. This device uses a battery so that it allows you to use it without having to take samples to the laboratory.

Some companies produce handheld XRF Analyzer are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bruker, Olympus, Elvatech, and Hitachi. For those of you who want to know more about handheld XRF Analyzer, here are some explanations about the use of handheld XRF Analyzers in the industrial world.

Metal Analysis and Identification

In the industrial world, Handheld XRF Analyzer are useful for analyzing metals quickly and accurately, without damaging the samples tested. This tool helps metal refiners, fabricators, and recycles to determine the chemical composition and level of metal alloys needed. Therefore, to the metal industry, Handheld XRF Analyzer is like a friend who cannot be separated.

Moreover, Handheld XRF Analyzer can be useful for analyzing precious metal, lead, and toxic metal in the product. Its resistance to high temperatures also makes this tool very helpful for workers. Its portable form also makes workers no longer need to bring samples to the laboratory because material testing can be done on the spot.

Food and Agriculture

The safety and nutrition of food are important to maintain. Starting from when they are still in the garden to being served on the table, the substances contained in food must be continuously monitored to avoid any contamination or even the presence of dangerous food ingredients which are purposely added by the manufacturer. In this case, the Handheld XRF Analyzer is useful to help control the quality of each food product that is produced by the factory.

The Handheld XRF Analyzer can detect the presence of hazardous materials such as poisons, heavy metals, additives, and illegal ingredients that may be found in food products. With this tool, detecting hazardous materials in food can be done quickly and efficiently. The use of Handheld XRF Analyzer  is expected to help control food quality before being distributed to the public.

Art Conservation

Conservation is a field of art and culture which includes preservation, maintenance, and research on elements that are present in cultural heritage. This field requires high caution and precision because the objects analyzed are generally old and fragile. Therefore, a conservator must pay attention to several factors, such as building materials, manufacturing methods, environmental conditions, and maintenance procedures that have been done before to provide the best treatment.

This is where the Handheld XRF Analyzer takes on the role of helping the process. Handheld XRF Analyzer technology is useful to help conservators find the best treatment for objects to be conserved. This tool can detect elements contained in objects without having to take samples so that it will not damage objects. This tool is also capable of detecting various materials with high output so that the composition of objects can be known quickly, ranging from ceramics, glass, to lithium materials.

Those are some brief explanations of what an Handheld XRF Analyzer is and its use in the industrial world. Handheld XRF Analyzer is often chosen to analyze the elements contained in the sample because of its easy and practical use. With various specifications, you can choose products according to the needs and environment in which you work.

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